Jonathan Webb Deiss near his home in Washington DC
is what I actually say to myself every single day. Soldier Source is the culmination of all my hope and focused work for the last ten years. It has its roots in a dream that goes back more than thirty years to my early youth, when I was first heard stories of the past. I always admired those people that could weave together the disparate and disconnected facts and events into a coherent and interesting story. Really that's all that history is, a story of the past constructed from contemporaneous documented statements, examination of ephemera and
There is absolutely no one better suited to research military records at the National Archives than Jon. His expertise on the subject of military personnel records is largely unsurpassed. More...
occasionally archaeology. My specialty is telling a story constructed from elements gleaned from the examination and analysis of military documentation, for the primary purpose of extracting service data on individual soldiers, sailor or marines, but also for the purpose of building a history of units and posts, regiments, vessels, forts, stations and bases, battles and mundane events, mistakes and triumphs. My strength lies in the fact that I am largely a self-taught scribe. I am unburdened by theory, or allegiance to an institution, and stand without shadow of mentor or influence. I am scrivener in the trenches, a true rogue-scholar, dedicated to 'the records'. My goal is to let the records show me the way and not to try and make the records tell me what I want to hear.
- 25 years experience researching genealogy & family history
- 10 years experience navigating the records systems at the National Archives
- 4 years working 100% independently
- Over 300 individual clients served, and 3000 individual orders for records fulfilled since 2006
- Former employee of the NSDAR and member of DC-SAR
- Trained in paper-handling, conservation & preservation
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